Author Topic: Ortho-Bionomy  (Read 12811 times)

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« on: September 10, 2008, 09:00:07 AM »

I believe I have had a session in this (by reading the description)  I felt like a new baby for the hour i walked around before i got back in my car and drove from Sebastapol back to marin.

Now I am considering a midwife who took a year off to study Ortho-bionomy in New Mexico and am curious as to what the experience and opinion of others is in this modality. It truly had an awesome effect on me the first time and I expressed a desire to learn.  It was such a non-invasive technique I am certain therapist with good training could learn.



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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 09:53:23 AM »

Ortho-bionomy can be an  amazing bodywork technique when it's done well.
I was interested in it many years ago and had a session for an injury and was very disappointed as it had little effect, so I didn't pursue studying it.
Some years later I had a house mate who had studied it and he worked on me and it was the most powerful work I had ever experienced.
So really depends alot on the skill of the practitioner. If we found a good instructor we would offer it at Diamond Light.
Anyone know of a good  Orho-Bionomy instructor?


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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 10:07:21 PM »

This is excepted from  a great website about Ortho-Bionomy

"Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non-invasive, osteopathically-based form of body therapy which is highly effective in working with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances. The practitioner uses gentle movements and positions of the body to facilitate the change of stress and pain patterns. A strong focus is placed on the comfort of the individual, no forceful manipulations are used. The practitioner also suggests home exercises that individuals can do to further facilitate the neuromuscular re-education process begun in the session. Ortho-Bionomy is very effective in helping alleviate both acute and chronic pain and stress patterns by reducing chronic muscle tension, soothing the joints, increasing flexibility, improving circulation, and relaxing the entire body."

"Ortho-Bionomy stimulates the body's self-correcting and self-balancing reflexes by way of the proprioceptive reflexes located in our joints and muscles. The practitioner uses movement and gentle compression to find positions of comfort which allow the body to change the stress and pain patterns which are causing the discomfort."


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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2008, 05:43:49 PM »

From Catherine Miller

In response to the question about whether anyone knows of a good orthobionomy instructor. I think I have a good lead...
Susan Feinbloom (website is and you choose the bodywork option to see the orthobionomy intro.
She came and did an short talk on orthobionomy and a demonstration in my basic massage certification program  in the summer of 2005, and I know she teaches a course in it, because I see it listed for SMC's 2009 schedule.
I was very impressed with her knowledge and ability to talk clearly about the history and the concepts and the practice of orthobionomy and what she actually did to me (I was the lucky guinea pig) did make a difference in my back and neck instantly.
I believe she's also a homeopath, a licensed clinical social worker, and spiritually oriented

Catherine Miller

Jode 311

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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 08:20:43 AM »

In response to the question of finding an ortho bionomy instructor
I looked on this link and there are many advanced practitioners and instructors in California.

I receive ortho weekly and can attest to the benefits of this modality. I also know that becoming a practitioner takes dedication and time.  I encourage anyone interested in finding an instructor to call or email the Society or fully examine their website as all practitioners are listed there. IF they are not... they are NOT ortho bionomy practitioners.



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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 05:41:15 PM »

As an Ortho Bionomy student and member of the Society of Ortho- Bionomy International, I agree with what Jode 311 is saying. We're always delighted when someone finds the work to be so effective and the Society has worked really hard to protect the body of work by trademarking it. This helps establish professional standards. Instructors must be members in good standing with the Society, and their teaching materials need approval from the Society before being  taught. This is only to be sure that the work maintains it's integrity. Check it out on the


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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2008, 06:16:55 PM »

Thanks so much for the leads and your very helpful input
We will consult the Website of the Society of Ortho- Bionomy International in looking for an instructor with proper training and encourage others to do the same.


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Re: Ortho-Bionomy
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2008, 06:33:11 PM »

I too agree with the post by Jode 311 and Katz.  
Being a practitioner and member of good standing, I appreciate that we are protected by the trademark.   
It's a great modility and I have seen this work change lives.   