Author Topic: Anatomy as the Roots of Intuition  (Read 6880 times)

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Anatomy as the Roots of Intuition
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:32:16 PM »

I have been teaching anatomy to massage therapists for about 10 years now.  Some people who get to know me are surprised by this fact.  Most people see me as a sensitive and intuitive person and not the “anatomy type.”  It is true I am a very sensitive person.  I love tapping into my intuition and enjoy empathic connections with my clients. However, I have never seen that as contrary to being the “anatomy type.”

I have always loved science and really enjoy learning about the body.  I have found over the years that my study of anatomy has actually vastly increased my ability to be intuitive.  When I first started on my journey as a healer I would often have impulses to go to one part of the body or another without knowing why.  I would usually follow those impulses, but would have a nagging little voice in my head that would say, “why are you doing that?”  If, my client asked me that same question, I would feel uncomfortable and either make something up or just let them know that I had an intuition.  Sometimes this would satisfy them and other times I would feel as if my confidence had been undermined in some way.  I wasn't satisfied with that and these experiences fueled my thirst for understanding.

As I learned more and teaching I felt my confidence grow as well as my desire to know and understand even more.  Learning is now a way of life for me and I know it will continue through all my years.  Now when I am drawn to an area of the body I can usually make sense of it somehow anatomically and physiologically.  If it still doesn't quite make sense, I find myself resting easy in the part of myself that trusts that I know enough and I can confidently reassure my clients.  I also noticed that intuitions come more regularly and make more sense to me.  Most of the time I can easily explain the rational for my “intuitions” to my clients.  This helps to educate and empower my clients as well as increases both of our confidence in our work together. 

I have an image of the study of anatomy as the roots of a giant tree of intuition.  The deeper the roots go the farther out we can go/ grow.   Keep learning and growing and let your intuition soar!   


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Re: Anatomy as the Roots of Intuition
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 11:26:45 AM »

I agree that the knowledge that we have of the body technically gives us part of the basis we use to subsequently intuit what someone needs in a given bodywork situation. The two ways of knowing can really come together, so that the use of the anatomy knowledge feels effortless in the process of intuiting, but is a critical piece of how we choose our response.
