Flourish Chiropractic & Massage Studio in San Anselmo is offering event bodywork opportunities for CMT's.
They donate an allotted amount of *NON-PROFIT hours every year to the Marin County community, ie. corporate luncheons, community fundraisers, awareness benefits, local races, etc. and are looking for certified practitioners' to work at these events.
The position they are offering is a on-going opportunity that pays $17 hourly base + bonus per massage completed at event. ($25-$50/hr average depending on capacity of event)
*Neither Flourish nor the CMTs are allowed to accept tips, gratuity, or fund exchange during these events being that there are non-profit donations we use as a community service tax write-off..
To interview:
James Catchings
Marketing & Events Director
Flourish Massage and Chiropractic Studio
www.flourishchiropractic.comwww.flomassagestudio.com247 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
San Anselmo, CA 94960
415-419-5391 (office)